Which one of the following has been declared India’s best aspirational district under NITI Aayog’s aspirational district programme ?


The correct answer is (a) Dehradun.

Dehradun was declared India’s best aspirational district under NITI Aayog’s aspirational district programme in 2020. The programme was launched in 2018 to improve the performance of 115 most backward districts in the country. Dehradun was one of the 115 districts selected for the programme.

The programme aims to improve the performance of these districts in key areas such as health, education, agriculture, and infrastructure. Dehradun has made significant progress in all these areas since the launch of the programme.

In the health sector, Dehradun has improved its infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate. It has also increased the number of people with access to healthcare facilities. In the education sector, Dehradun has improved its literacy rate and school enrolment rate. It has also increased the number of schools and teachers. In the agriculture sector, Dehradun has increased its agricultural production and productivity. It has also improved the irrigation facilities and marketing infrastructure. In the infrastructure sector, Dehradun has improved its road network, electricity supply, and water supply.

Dehradun’s progress under the aspirational district programme has been recognized by the NITI Aayog. The NITI Aayog has awarded Dehradun the best aspirational district award for 2020. This award is a recognition of Dehradun’s efforts to improve the lives of its people.

The other options are incorrect because they are not among the 115 aspirational districts.